Digital copies of my books are now available in the shop!
Needle Lace Flowers for Beginners is a fully illustrated book with techniques, patterns, and detailed instructions for all needle art enthusiasts to learn how to create needle lace flowers. Learn the basic techniques on how to tie double knots, cast on thread, create 3D effects through layering, and much more as you follow patterns for eight flowers!
Intermediate and Advanced Patterns for Needle Lace is a fully illustrated book with techniques, patterns, and detailed instructions for all needle art enthusiasts to learn how to create needle lace flowers. Learn new techniques on how to outline, pinch petals together, design branches, and much more as you follow patterns for twelve flowers and their variations!
The quick guide is for those of you who want to dabble and see if you'll enjoy the process of needle lace. This guide was designed to teach the very basics of edging, and includes one traditional scarf flower pattern. My lace guild students loved the instructions this past Spring and Summer!
While you're on Amazon, here are a couple of other products that I recommend for needle lace:
Full disclosure, I do not get paid for the links being clicked.
Needle size 22 for Lizbeth 40, size 20 for Lizbeth 20, and size 18 for Lizbeth 10. If you're starting out, it is best to have a variety of tapestry needles.
I put all my finished floral lace necklaces into these storage cases. The biggest reason is that it is easy to see what is in the case, and it will not mold like cardboard boxes do. You can throw a desiccant packet into the box if you want to help preserve your work.
The blades of these scissors are nice and sharp and thinner than the blunt version. It makes it easier to cut the ends of the extraneous threads closer to the work so nothing sticks out.
Most of my lace flowers have tail ends and working ends I weave and stitch into my necklace cords. To keep them from tangling up, I put one flower into each bag for safe keeping. The bags also help keep the flower petals flat. Sometimes the flowers with longer petals have a tendency to curl when stuffed in a box with many other things. This is another layer of preservation and protection for your lace florals. I highly recommend doing this.

I had the pleasure of meeting Marilee in person at Tollway Tatters this weekend. She is an amazing tatting artist with wonderful designs. Her latest work on grapes and milkweed pods were very captivating. She also dyes her threads and sells them in her Etsy store. The thread is also Lizbeth! So if you're interested in more color variation threads, this is a great place to find some.
If you live in the states and sign up for the free catalog, Handy Hands, will throw in a few samples of their Lizbeth thread for you to try. If you sign up for their newsletter, they offer free shipping on orders over $35.
If you want to try metallic threads, I highly recommend the #4 very fine braid, # 8 fine braid, and #12 tapestry braid. Kreinik has a huge selection of colors to please those who love sparkle.
Lisa's shop carries a variety of brands for thread. If you're interested in trying a variety of materials instead of products from just one manufacturer, she can help you select what might work best for your projects. She also hosts a Secret Santa Exchange (happening right now!), arts and craft nights, and a tatting weekend event every summer in Anderson, Indiana.
Translating Needle Lace into Tatting - Shawna Wachs
After the launch of my latest book, I had some correspondences with a past student who translated my patterns into tatted flowers. I think one of the coolest things about patterns is that, in some cases, it is possible to apply them to other styles of needle art. I often look at crochet flowers and embroidery designs for possibilities and color combinations. It's always nice to have something that inspires what you will do next! Shawna Wachs teaches these patterns at tatting conferences and events. Be sure to look her up!
I also have another student, Joan Thomas, who is experimenting with a hybrid of tatting and needle lace techniques. She is part of the Arkansas/Oklahoma lace guilds.

Thanks ladies for sharing your wonderful news and ideas! It's part of the fun of designing and creating! I am glad to know that you're enjoying the needle lace process! Don't forget to check the student gallery from time to time!
Tollway Tatters
The last two months I visited the Tollway Tatters in Hinsdale, IL. It was really nice finding my tribe in my state. Diane started this group about a year ago, and they meet once a month. They announce their meets on Facebook, so please join if you're looking for a friendly group to do your needle art. Most of the ladies do a bunch of other work like bobbin lace, sewing, etc. You learn so much about their skills, interesting tidbits about other lace makers in the larger community, and even learn about their business.
Lastly, I have added a page of links for resources! Please check it out if you want to find the supplies I recommend for needle lace, and for some of the history.